Welcome to SPA!

The Student Personnel Association (SPA) is a registered student organization for individuals interested in the current status of higher education and the development of students. Our chapter of SPA at the University of Mississippi is made up of current graduate students, alumni, and faculty of the Higher Education/Student Personnel program as well as current professionals within the Division of Student Affairs. The SPA Executive Board works closely with the Department of Higher Education and the Student Affairs Professional Development Committee to offer professional development and networking opportunities for our members.

We believe that education does not end when the students leave the classroom, and we constantly search for ways to grow, learn, and develop skills as student affairs professionals and educators. The Student Personnel Association seeks to collaborate and engage with other UM campus partners to develop meaningful educational opportunities for our members. Additionally, we host professional networking and social events to encourage connection and relationship-building between HESP graduate cohorts.

This website strives to inform you about our past and future events and connect you with resources on campus and in the Oxford community.  Please let us know how we can further support you in learning about higher education and the field of student affairs.

Student Personnel Association (SPA) Board Members:

President: Abbey Hogan – hogan@go.olemiss.edu

Vice President of Programming: Taylor Pierce – tpierce@go.olemiss.edu

Vice president of promotion & outreach: Anika Jarvis – aljarvis@go.olemiss.edu




The University of Mississippi’s Student Personnel Association (SPA) is made up of current graduate students, alumni, and faculty of the Higher Education/Student Personnel program as well as current professionals within the Division of Student Affairs. The Student Personnel Association works in conjunction with the Department of Higher Education and the Student Affairs Professional Development Committee to offer professional development and networking opportunities for individuals interested in the current status of higher education and the development of students.

How to Join

Cost of Membership: One Year of Residential/Online Master's: $25; Both Years of Residential/Online Master's: $40; Doctoral Programs: $30.

Email umSPAexec@gmail.com with any questions.